The Charter of Central Securities Depositary AD Skopje regulates in narrow terms:
- the name and the main office of the company;
- the principal capital;
- nominal value of stocks, number of stocks by type and class, the rights, obligations, restrictions and benefits;
- procedure of calling and holding the assembly of shareholders;
- managing and supervisory bodies of the company;
- the form and the manner of disclosures by the company;
- method of operation and organization of the company;
- determination of business results and use of profits;
- regulation of relations in the company;
- modifications of the Charter
- general provisions on operations of the company
- conditions, criteria and documentation on entry of certain members in the compan and their rights and obligations;
- basic principles of operation of the company;
- method of supervision carried out by the company of its own operations;
- method of dispute resolution between company members;
- prevention of misuse of information that is not available to all members of the company;
- prevention of abuse and failure to settle trade transactions;
- method of organization of the information system
- trade name, identification number and main office of founders
- termination of the company
- transitional and concluding provisions
This document is, at present, available only in Macedonian. If you have any questions about the Charter of CSD AD Skopje, please contact us.